There is a lot of racism in bussinesses across American. Racism can start from the little thing a person may say or do. I was reading a article on The artcle said,"
White "candidates" were far more likely to be given an interview than similarly qualified black or Asian "names". Brendan Barber a General Secratary called the results shocking. This shouldnt happen at all period.You shouldn't be judged by the name you have under any circumstances. Your name shouldn't hold you back from getting a job. There has to b a better way to go about who gets a job and who doesnt. You shouldnt have to descriminate on how somebody looks or acts around there friends. Just beacuse they act different aorund their friends doesnt mean the will act that way behind a desk of an office.There needs to be something done about this.There are other ways of racism in business. For example, you not getting hired because you have dreads. We have to stop this from taking over our businesses in America. This can make it to where nobody wants to work for your business or under you as a person. Racism is wrong and doesnt have a purpose i the business world. I feel that if you have the qualifications to do the job, then you should be a possibles option to be hired.
Photo by:Henrik Trygg
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