Thursday, February 3, 2011

corporations and politicsly

  1. The United States regulates corporation participation in politics. Some people think a corporation's political activity is illegal. The reason being,corporations advocate ever-increasing regulatory restrictions and support their analysis with empirical studies that purport to demonstrate the ability of corporate donors to buy favorable legislation by making political contributions to members of Congress. The article examined one corporations political activity. One company suucessfully used its political influece shape legislation. This means it shaped its business strategy. Regulating is becomin bi, g in United States bussinesses. By understanding how and why corporations participate in politics, we can address concerns about the effect of corporate political influence.Poltics pay a big part in the business world.  They can also cause a few problem within your business. When corporations play politics, they're just playing self-defense against. This can mean numerous things. Politics are all over the world. It can be hard to dodge politics when it comes to corporations. To me the business world is ran by politics. In some of the ads croporations be advertising, they have to do with politics. Some companies will play defense to keep the company from getting in trouble. That is a major risk on politics in the world of business. What do you think?
Photo by Scott Olson

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