Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Corporations And Tv Ads

TV commercials play a big role today in the corporation world. Have you noticed that every time you turn on the TV, you see a major corporation with a commercial on TV? This is not a brand new subject to us. The corporations of world have to have good commercials with compare and contrast to sell their merchandise. For example, everybody knows that AT&T sells a lot of products without even having their other products exposed on TV. Fact is, they need the TV to get the information across the country and world. Another example is the Nike Corporation. This company has been around for a long time and has a lot of experience when coming to this. The problem is, do these companies be trying to persuade people into buying their products? This is a problem to some people that have children. These people have children, that kids sit in the room, and watch TV and see these characters on TV commercials. Are these corporations putting too much on TV? Should they expose their selves a different way? I think they should find ways around the whole propaganda theory. There can be conflicts with. There are people out there who think that these corporations be lien about what they be saying. If you are going to make a commercial to help your company in anyway, then you can do it the honest way. This means, if your product only does one thing, don’t try to lie and say it do other things as well. What do you think?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Corporations On Holidays

Have you ever wondered why some of the major corporations, be open on holidays. I have noticed that for a while now. Its not always the big corporations either. I use to work at the dollar movie theatre in North Little Rock. We were opened on every holiday that you can think of. That kind of mad me upset, even though I got paid extra on holiday I didn’t want to be stuck at the movies on Christmas. I think each corporation should have a number of holidays that they could be open. I work at Wal-Mart, there will be times I will work on holidays, and I will have to cut my schedule short with my family. I do think that is wrong. We should be able not to work on major holidays and spend that time with our family. There should be some done about this. I have asked my about some information about this topic. I was told that some stores like Wal-Mart and Kroger have to be open on Christmas. The reason being, because there are family out there that will come to the store on the day of Christmas and get things at last minute for their family dinner or last minute Christmas shopping. I think its wrong for stores to be open on holidays. Its taking time from the people that is working, from their families. What do you think about this situation? Do you think corporations should keep working on holidays, or not?

Friday, April 22, 2011

NFL and The Lockout

There are many fans out who love the game of football. They will probably go crazy if something was to happen to the National Football League. Well in case you didn’t know, the NFL is in a lock out. Players are refusing to play, because they feel like they’re not getting paid enough money to do their jobs. This is an issue were players money, and fans entertainment are on the line. I can’t say I agree with what the players are going through, but I can agree with the fans and put my opinion about the situation. To me they’re just being about what they want, they jus want the amount of money they deserve. It is wrong what the commission is doing. This is also affecting the incoming rookies. A average first round first draft pick, is expected to get around 60 million dollars. If Matthew Stafford was too go in the draft and go first pick he would get 60 million, and guaranteed 40 million. With the lockout going on, officials are trying to say rookies are getting paid too much. This means they’re trying to cut that in half. The rookies feel that if their worth 50 million dollar, then they should be getting all of their money. This lockout will also hurt the fans that paid for package plans with their cable company, and fans that also purchased tickets to go see their favorite teams play. If the lock out continues then, the worst will happen referring to the NFL. The board needs to come to an agreement so there can be a season.

Photo By: janinsanfran

Fast Food And Good Hygene

Have you wondered how many people wash their hands before preparing a meal? I’m here to give some information about this topic. We all eat out at fast food restaurants and wonder who is cooking our food and are they hands clean. I’ve known a lot of people in the fast food industry, which said they have seen people prepare food without washing or sterilizing their hands. This is a serious problem that can have an effect on other people’s health.http://qctimes.com/news/local/article_c2a31a6a-7bf0-11de-a98e-001cc4c03286.html this article says more than half of all employees in the fast-food industry fail to wash their hands properly or use gloves when working. This is a huge problem. Why are the people not washing their hand the correct way? Before you get hired to work in fast food, you are required to watch and read material on keeping good hygiene at all times during work hours. If workers don’t keep their hands while making food, or even before while their touching meat, their can be a spread of diseases. A person may have a serious case of staff infection, and then goes to make some food; staff infection can get into the food if he did patch up the wound, or wash their hands. I think the fast food corporations need to build more strict consequences on this topic. It will cause the company less problems with customers. It can happen anywhere and to anyone. It will likely happen in a restaurant that you wouldn’t even think of having a problem.

Photo By:  SCA Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Corporations Dress Codes

Do you think that the dress codes for corporations are necessary? Today for most professional jobs it is required to be dressed in collared shirt and tie. There are many reasons for that. Corporations don’t want you coming into their job, jus dressed in anything. That would be unprofessional and would give off a bad image. It is said that you come dressed for the job you want. Some working conditions require you to dress a certain way. Some people think it’s too strict. You don’t want to be looked at different just because you are dressed inappropriate for the job. You have to obey the rules and regulations that were issued. Dressing correctly for the job, shows that you have class, that you follow the guidelines, and that you’re a businessman.  There may be a couple opportunities from dressing up. If your job has a dress code they expect you to follow it. Some jobs dress codes are not even strict. For example, I use to work at playtime pizza. The dress code there was the company t-shirt, cargo shorts or jeans, and sneakers. That was a relaxing dress code that was followed by everyone. It also depends on what type of company you are working for. If you work someone like Chuck-e-Cheese, or Playtime Pizza, the dress code will not be as strict. If you work somewhere like Fed, IRS, or at a business office, you’re expected to dress business attire or business casual. This is something that is also an issue to some people. How do you feel about it

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Corporations an Sports Events

When you think of corporations, you probably think of Fed Ex, Ups, and Microsoft. Did you know corporations also take part in the sports industry? Some corporations sponsor events that go on in sports .For example the super bowl, the Olympics, NBA finals, and the World Series. All of those events have to do with sports. Corporations sponsor sports events in an effort to promote health as well as business. The company AT&T sponsors a lot of golf tournaments and tennis. There are already getting money from the cellular company that they are running. Being a big corporation, huge event’s want them to sponsor them, when they have certain events. For example, a regular Sunday football is not going to be sponsored, but if it was the super bowl, it will be sponsored by a big company. Do you think this is good idea? I think it’s good, because corporations and sports are interacting with each other. The people that are going out every day to play these sports are not just doing it for their health. There doing it, because it's their job. They're playing for their team which is a company, and that company has a general manager, and a owner. Yes, they did it for fun in high school and college, but when they got to the next level it was all about business. They are getting paid now. Corporations look at it as a booster for themselves. They can benefit a lot from sponsoring sports events. The super bowl may have more than one sponsor. Each one of those sponsors will get some money from the event. Each year a sports event will have a different and bigger sponsor.

Photo From :
The Pepsi mobile site

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Are Fast Food Corporations Taking Over?

    I have been wondering for a while now. There are multiple fast food restaurants all across the United States. Is that good or bad? Do we want to continue seeing corporations take over land that can be used to build homes for homeless people, or do we want to see corporations take over so they make even more money than they are already making. I think it’s wrong that corporations are taking over places that can be used for investing in future homes, and other businesses. There is an average of at least 30 fast food restaurants per major city in a state. If you go to a small neighborhood you will see a good amount of fast food stops. Instead of building all the fast food places. They can substitute that with a doctor, grocery store Park where little kids can play better schools, more places you can get jobs at. In an article by USA today, it was said that, "Fast food appears to be the sole truly international form of catering"http://findarticles.com/. This could mean a lot of things that the fast food industry could be trying to get on the good side of citizens, to get what they want and need. Some people think it’s a good idea. That it is bring more jobs in the community. Its helping people escape troubles that they are in. It could also be the turning point someone need s to start off a new life. What do you think?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fast Food Corporations With Health Problems In America

Now we all know that after hard days at work, we wouldn't want to go home and slave in front of a hot oven for hours. The one thing we want to do when we get home is get something quick to eat. Today America is ran by fast food restaurants. While they were getting rich from sailing advertisement after advertisement. Some restaurants for example, are McDonalds, Burger King, Sonic, Wendy’s, Rally, and Chinese Restaurants. These corporations may have good commercials to persuade you to come there, when really they are setting you up for a unhealthy eating habit. The meals they be serving contain a lot of unhealthy ingredients. By going to the website www.criticalbench.com/unhealthy_fast_food.htm you can find out fast food is unhealthy, and that it can kill if you eat too much. Fast food is simply tasty, ready-cooked meals packed to go. There is absolutely nothing nutritional about fast food. Fast food simply feeds hunger and/or your immediate craving. The concept of fast food is obviously, food ready-to-eat and served quickly. The FDA Total Diet Study found that fast-food hamburgers, across the board, contained 113 different pesticide residues. This is not good, this grease is food that human beings are eating. They also contain a lot of grease and fats."
Synthetic chemicals added to processed food, including fast food, damage your body’s cells. Your body is made up of nutrients found in plants and animals you eat. Man-made food items loaded with pesticides, as well as aspartame, margarine, and other man-made chemicals do not nourish your body. If your body can’t use what you put into it you will gain fat and decrease health." All the information above is telling you how fast food is really unhealthy. i hope that you liked my topic .

Thursday, February 3, 2011

corporations and politicsly

  1. The United States regulates corporation participation in politics. Some people think a corporation's political activity is illegal. The reason being,corporations advocate ever-increasing regulatory restrictions and support their analysis with empirical studies that purport to demonstrate the ability of corporate donors to buy favorable legislation by making political contributions to members of Congress.http://www.allbusiness.com/legal/3604586-1.html. The article examined one corporations political activity. One company suucessfully used its political influece shape legislation. This means it shaped its business strategy. Regulating is becomin bi, g in United States bussinesses. By understanding how and why corporations participate in politics, we can address concerns about the effect of corporate political influence.Poltics pay a big part in the business world.  They can also cause a few problem within your business. When corporations play politics, they're just playing self-defense against.http://www.professorbainbridge.com/professorbainbridgecom/2010/01/why-corporations-play-politics.html. This can mean numerous things. Politics are all over the world. It can be hard to dodge politics when it comes to corporations. To me the business world is ran by politics. In some of the ads croporations be advertising, they have to do with politics. Some companies will play defense to keep the company from getting in trouble. That is a major risk on politics in the world of business. What do you think?
Photo by Scott Olson

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Racism in Bussinesses Across America

There is a lot of racism in bussinesses across American. Racism can start from the little thing a person may say or do. I was reading a article on bbc.com. The artcle said,"
White "candidates" were far more likely to be given an interview than similarly qualified black or Asian "names".  Brendan Barber a General Secratary called the results shocking. This shouldnt happen at all period.You shouldn't be judged by the name you have under any circumstances. Your name shouldn't hold you back from getting a job. There has to b a better way to go about who gets a job and who doesnt. You shouldnt have to descriminate on how somebody looks or acts around there friends. Just beacuse they act different aorund their friends doesnt mean the will act that way behind a desk of an office.There needs to be something done about this.There are other ways of racism in business. For example, you not getting hired because you have dreads. We have to stop this from taking over our businesses in America. This can  make it to where nobody wants to work for your business or under you as a person. Racism is wrong and doesnt have a purpose i the business world. I feel that if you have the qualifications to do the job, then you should be a possibles option to be hired.

Photo by:Henrik Trygg